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Language of Power

Lorraine Daston: Cartography, 1 November 2001

The New Nature of Maps: Essays in the History of Cartography 
by J.B. Harley, edited by Paul Laxton.
Johns Hopkins, 331 pp., £31, June 2001, 0 8018 6566 2
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Apollo’s Eye: A Cartographic Genealogy of the Earth in the Western Imagination 
by Denis Cosgrove.
Johns Hopkins, 331 pp., £32, June 2001, 0 8018 6491 7
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... were made? The fuss is real enough: the editor of this posthumous collection of essays by J.B. Harley, bellwether of the new geography, took the unusual precaution of including a critical introduction by J.H. Andrews, for fear that Harley’s approach might become ‘an unquestioned orthodoxy or worse, a ...

Consolation Cartography

D. Graham Burnett: The power of maps, 3 November 2005

Rhumb Lines and Map Wars: A Social History of the Mercator Projection 
by Mark Monmonier.
Chicago, 242 pp., £17.50, November 2004, 0 226 53431 6
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... exploration by sea and land. As the multiple volumes of The History of Cartography, edited by J.B. Harley and David Woodward, have shown in painstaking detail, the history of maps – their creation, use and abuse – is the history of a whole series of human efforts to comprehend and organise the physical and social worlds. Monmonier, who is the editor of the ...

Short Cuts

Daniel Soar: Running Out of Time, 8 January 2015

... have been fined for underpaying, for a total of £4696.) If you’re a psychotherapist on Harley Street you can convert an hour into £200. And if you’re a specialist partner at a large law firm you can translate it into £1000 or more. Lawyers find ways of squeezing more billable hours onto their clients’ invoices, but really they and everyone ...

Ejected Gentleman

Norman Page, 7 May 1987

John Galsworthy’s Life and Art: An Alien’s Fortress 
by James Gindin.
Macmillan, 616 pp., £35, March 1987, 0 333 40812 8
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... be believed) that he had never been ‘absolutely in the inner circle’ of society; insisted to Harley Granville-Barker that he knew he would never be able to live up to his friend’s high opinion of him; doubted that he would ‘ever be a writer worthy of the name’. The picture that emerges from this latest biography is thus a very different one from ...

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